
Monday, April 28, 2014

Battle of Sainte-Foy (1760) Gallery

The Battle of Sainte-Foy took place on this day in the year 1760.  French General de Levis attempted to recapture the city of Quebec, which was held by the British under General James Murray.  Murray, having received advance warning of de Levis's march, moved out from the city and on to the Plains of Abraham for battle.  In the ensuing battle, the French defeated Murray and besieged Quebec.  A fleet of British warships arrived soon afterwards, and de Levis retreated to Montreal, which would surrender on September 8, 1760.

General de Levis encourages his men just before the battle.  Painting by Louis Bombled.
 A black-and-white illustration of Levis and his men before the battle.
 British soldiers cart firewood into the city of Quebec.  Painting by John Macnaughton.
 A view of the battle from British lines.  Painting by George Campion.
And last, a rather panoramic drawing of the final French advance that won the victory.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Charming Field for an Encounter

Before gaining fame as Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, George Washington was a soldier for King George II.  His service included three campaigns, two years of keeping Indians out of Virginia's borders, and his only surrender.  These paintings, from the book "Charming Field for an Encounter" illustrate some of his early military exploits.  See the whole book with many more paintings at

 This painting (based on Peale's 1772 portrait) shows Washington in the 1754 uniform of the Virginia Provincial Regiment.
 This painting shows Washington and his men assembled.  Something appears to be burning in the distance.
This painting occurs during the Siege of Fort Necessity (1754).  Two Virginians, an officer and a private, fire a swivel gun at the French.