
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Liebster Blog Award!

My blog has been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award by Pearl of Tyburn at!  I am very grateful!  Thank you very much!
The rules for this award are: 1. Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog.  2. Answer their 11 questions. 3. Post 11 random things about yourself.  4. Nominate 11 other blogs with under 200 followers for this award. 5. Ask them 11 questions.
So here are Pearl of Tyburn’s 11 questions.
1. What do you consider the greatest movie of all time and why?
I believe that the greatest movie of all time is the Jesus film by Campus Crusade for Christ.  A well-made adaptation of the Gospel of Luke, it has travelled the world with its important message.
2. What do you consider the worst movie of all time and why?
I’m afraid I am not able to answer this question.  I have enjoyed most movies I have watched (except for Sybil Ludington and Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel).  However, picking the worst of film history is beyond me.
3. Who is your favorite actor/actress?
Difficult to answer.  One actress’s performance that I was impressed by was Madame Defarge in A Tale of Two Cities (1936).
4. Who is your least favorite actor/actress?
I don’t know, but I have seen some rather poor performances.
5. What scene from a movie do you find the most inspirational?
The most inspirational scene for me is from The Longest Day, when the British paratrooper commander remembers his orders to “hold until relieved”, with only a handful of men.  Honorable mention to Brotus (from Pendragon) ordering his line to be extended and meeting the criticism of “it’s certain death” with the retort “Then we die here!”
6. What movies have made you laugh the most?
Bugs Bunny, hands down, even though it is not a movie.
7. What movies have made you cry the most?
I’m not usually one to cry though movies, but probably Mrs. Miniver.
8. What movie do you find the most hoaky?
Definitely Sybil Ludington, but honorable (dishonorable?) mention to the end song of The Longest Day.
9. If you could only watch one more movie forever, what would it be?
The Longest Day.
10. What are some movies you’ve wanted to watch but never gotten the chance?
Beyond the Mask (I’m an extra in it!)
11. What are your top 5 movies you would like me to watch and review?
Beyond the Mask
Alone Yet not Alone
The Lego Movie
11 Random Things about myself
1.      I love the Lord Jesus Christ, and am glad to be part of a church that loves Him too.
2.      I run my own business at
3.      I love root beer, especially in a root beer float.
4.      Building with Lego bricks is a hobby of mine.
5.      I am the oldest of four siblings.
6.      I was a construction worker and extra for the Christian movie Beyond the Mask.
7.      I think that John Williams is the greatest modern composer.
8.      Most of the books I own are about history
9.      I paint my own 54mm plastic American Revolution soldiers and am expanding into Seven Years War in India
10.   I love old paintings.
11.   I am a contributor for the Young Patriot Magazine.
And now for my blog nominations:
And here are my 11 questions:
1.      What is your favorite movie?
2.      In the Seven Years’ War, would you side with the French or the British?
3.      Do you play chess?
4.      John Williams or Hans Zimmer?
5.      What is your favorite historical era?
6.      Do you like root beer?
7.      How far back can you trace your family’s history?
8.      What is the most interesting job that you have worked at?
9.      What is the most important thing you have learned while blogging?
10.   What is your least favorite movie?
11.   Would you be interested in hosting a giveaway of Through All Ages’s products?  (Check them out at and please contact me if so!)

Monday, June 23, 2014

Plassey Gallery

Today marks the anniversary of the Battle of Plassey.  Plassey was fought during the Seven Years' War in India as Robert Clive of the East India Company battled Siraj-ud-Doula and his French allies.
Clive's men positioned themselves behind a mango grove as Siraj's army approached.  Some Indians attempted to attack, but were driven back by fierce cannon fire.  Before the battle began, however, Robert Clive had made a deal with one of Siraj's generals, Mir Jafar.  In exchange for neutrality during the battle, the British would seat Mir Jafar on Siraj's throne.  Jafar's inaction ultimately decided the battle and the British crowned him.  However, Mir Jafar soon rebelled against his ally and the British unseated him.  For a good summary of the battle, visit:

About the pictures
The first and second pictures show the British lines receiving the charge of the colorful Indian horsemen. 
The third picture shows Clive (center) meeting Mir Jafar (in gold robe) after the battle.
The fourth picture showcases the Royal Artillery's contribution to the battle.  In the background is the old hunting lodge located in the mango grove.
The fifth picture is set in the British lines, as the gunners fire on the Indians.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Providence and a Thorn Walking Stick

During the Seven Years' War, much fighting took place in India.  In 1758, the Irishman General Lally was sent to take command of the French forces there.  But India was full of danger:

"The party to assassinate Lally was composed of 50 Black horsemen.  At dawn, riding from the city, at a leisurely pace, to the French camp, and being challenged by the outguard, they stated, that they came to offer their services to the French General; and, accordingly, required to be conducted to him.  Nothing wrong being suspected, they were conducted towards his quarters, about half a mile in the rear of his camp.  Lally, informed of their approach, got out of bed, and merely in his drawers, and luckily with a thorn-stick in his hand, went, accompanied by but 1 attendant, to meet them.  At about 100 yards from him, the troop halted, their Captain, coming forward on horseback; and being now near enough, to make sure, as it were, of their intended victim, and in order, apparently, to signify to their main force about the town, that the assassination-business was in hand, 1 of the Black troopers galloped to an ammunition-tumbrel, fired his pistol into it, and blew himself up with a suitable explosion, at the same time that the Captain of the troop rode in upon Lally, making a cimetar-cut at his head.  Lally, not losing his presence of mind, parried the blow with his wooden life-preserver; his stout and faithful attendant instantly despatching the baffled murderer.  The General, nevertheless, was trampled down and stunned by the onset of the rest of the Black troop, till his guard rushing up, he came to himself, and, sabre in hand, at the head, gave the villains, who charged twice, their deserts; 28 of them being shot dead, and the remainder forced to ride into a pond, where they were drowned; his guard losing but 2 men in the encounter."--page 514, History of the Irish Brigades in the Service of France by John Cornelius O'Callaghan