
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

54mm Soldiers--AWI Light Infantry Sergeant

One of my interests is painting 54mm plastic soldiers.  This fellow is painted as a sergeant of the Continental Light Infantry during the American Revolution.  He originally came from a bag of poorly-cast American Revolution soldiers that I bought at Williamsburg.  For two years he was shuffled around in the closet, until I embarked on painting him.  But I ran out of steam quickly and back to the closet he went.  Finally, last year I pulled him out of the closet and painted him.  But he is not my only light infantryman.  He has five comrades, whom I hope to show soon (as soon as I glue on their red-and-black plumes).

Figure by BMC, paints by Testors, varnish by Winsor & Dammar.  The plume is made of two pipe cleaners connected by model cement.  

Monday, August 11, 2014

1761 Uniforms of the Bombay Marine

"The officers [of the Bombay Marine] were increased in number, by two commanders, ten more lieutenants; and, to improve the morale of the whole, divine service was now first performed on board, and all gambling, swearing &c., strictly forbidden; and in 1761, a regular uniform was adopted by the officers, who, by the Governor in Council, were 'ordered to wear blue frock coats, turned up with yellow, dress-coats and waistcoats of the same colour, and according to regulation pattern.  Large boot-sleeves and facings of gold lace were the fashion for the superior grades, while the midshipmen and masters of gallivats were to rest contented with small round cuffs and no facings.'"--pg 210, Cassell's Illustrated History of India by James Grant