
Monday, July 27, 2020

Flags of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)

In the 2005 movie, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, great care was taken to recreate the world of Narnia, its creatures and their cultures.  Much detail was lavished into this movie.  This post is a spotlight of one of those details: the flags of Aslan's Army during the First Battle of Beruna.  Much is still unknown, and there may be other flags not pictured here.  My hope is that this may serve as a springboard for more analysis.

With Aslan the great Lion dead at the hands of the White Witch, Peter, Edmund, and Aslan's army engage the Witch's army in battle.  Under their gold and red banners, they fight "for Narnia...and Aslan!"

All images gathered from eBay, WorthPoint, or screenshots of the movie.  I claim no copyright on any of them.  Click on them for larger version.

This flag is identified as belonging to the Centaurs of Aslan's army.

 This flag is also identified as belonging to the Centaurs.  Both have the same distinct crossed-sword motif.  This flag is likely suspended from a pole shaped like a T, similar to the yellow-and-red lion flag next.


One of the easiest flags to see in the movie is the pennant attached to the lances of the front rank of Centaurs as they charge home into the Witch's army.  It too bears the crossed-sword motif of the Centaurs.

This is an interesting collection of flags.  I have not found where the lion topper (left) appears in the movie.  The center flag with red lion is clearly visible in some of the long shots of Peter's army.  The bronze lion holding a yellow flag looks like one of those that topped the tents.

A clearer shot of the flag in the center of the photo above.

The unit that this flag identifies is not currently known.  It is clearly one belonging to Aslan's army, however, as it bears the same red-and-gold color scheme as all the rest.

 The "mystery flag" on camera!  It is on the far right of the shot, partially obscured by a Centaur's lance.  It is possible that this flag is carried by the Satyrs, but at present this is uncertain.

A different rectangular flag is visible behind the Satyr blacksmith.  Though the lighting does not allow for much detail to be visible, it does appear to have three horizontal bars (perhaps feathers like the flag above?) running across the first 1/3 of the flag nearest the pole.

This flag is one of my personal favorites: the flag of the Fauns.  In C. S. Lewis's original book, Mr. Tumnus is rather proud of his hooves: "she'll wave her wand over my beautiful cloven hoofs and turn them into horrid solid hoofs like a wretched horse's."  Apparently this pride is shared by most Fauns.

Another flag with the Faun motif.  This one has a distinctive swallowtail shape.

The Faun on the left of the picture carries a banner that is different from the other two above.  This one appears to have three tails.

This yellow flag appears in multiple places around Aslan's camp, as well as during the battle.

No one forgets a Dwarf and certainly not the propmakers!  The Dwarfish archers on the ridge have their own flag in matching colors with the rest of the army.  It bears their device of crossed hammers, reflecting their skill at smithcraft.

The flag behind this female Centaur looks like another angle of the Dwarf flag shown above, though detail is difficult to see.  The yellow hammer head is just visible behind the Centaur's forehead.

The female Centaurs themselves carry three red-and-yellow flags while positioned on the ridge behind Edmund.  They all have a yellow hoist edge (the edge nearest the pole) and a swallowtail-shaped red field.  Though detail is difficult to pick out, they appear to also bear the Centaurs' crossed-sword device.