
Historical Links

These links are intended to aid the reader in studying history.  Most are from the 18th Century, but some cover more than that.
The Seven Years' War Project provides an absolute wealth of information on the Seven Years War.  If you have ever wondered how many buttons Regiment Languedoc wore on their pockets, or which Swedish regiments battled the Prussians, this is the site for you.
This website is invaluable for those who are studying the period from 1688-1746.  It contains many original documents, including some from James II, James III, and "Bonnie Prince Charlie".
Junior General offers free printable paper soldiers from many time periods.
This website is devoted to the War of the Spanish Succession, where the Duke of Marlborough battled the "Sun King", Louis XIV.
This is a great blog dedicated to American warfare 1690-1815.  Contains paintings, reenactments, links to other articles and much more.
Another blog similar to Flintlock and Tomahawk, but for the period 1600-1760 in Europe.  Again, contains paintings, reenactments, links to other articles and much more.
This site is chock-full of digitally scanned books from many centuries.

This page is a work in progress.  Suggestions to other historical sites are welcome.

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