
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Rushdoony on the Quakers

Studying the 18th Century will quickly expose one to the glorification of the Quakers.  It seems as though the Quakers were ahead of their times, tolerant, wise, and kind to all.  But R. J. Rushdoony sums them up much better:

"Now Hannah Whitall Smith was not representative of American Christianity, nor its women; she was a Quakeress, of a sect which believes in the inner light, a spark of divinity in every person.  Quakers represent a heretical strain, despite their great respectability with the American left.  At about the same time that I read Hannah Whitall Smith, I read George Fox's Journal, and a life of James Naylor, co-founder of the Quakers.  Naylor allowed himself to be hailed like Christ, and Fox, as I recall it, as he approached an English town (Litchfield?), went into a wild "prophetic" frenzy and denounced it as a bloody city for no reason at all."--from pg. 149, Institutes of Biblical Law volume 3

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