
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

M. Dubois, Intendant of French India

During the Seven Years War, French power in India was broken--not so much by the British as by official thieves in the government, who stole money and supplies which Louis XV sent to them.  M. Dubois was Intendant (government head of business) for French India, and he compiled many documents detailing the corruption.  When Pondicherry fell to the English, he was insulted and killed in the street.  His documents were then stolen.

J. C. O'Callaghan (from whom this anecdote is taken) then says, "On this occasion, as elsewhere, it is but too plain, in the expressive language of Scripture, that 'men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.  For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.' (John iii. 19-20)"

How many historians now would dare to use a Bible verse to apply to history like Mr. O'Callaghan does?  I think very few.  But hopefully, this will change in the future!

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