
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Green Spring--Lafayette's Order of Battle

One of my heroes is the Marquis de Lafayette, and one of Lafayette's most important contributions was keeping British General Cornwallis penned up in Yorktown.  While maneuvering in Virginia, Lafayette and Cornwallis battled only once, at Green Spring.  This order of battle was found at

Lafayette's Forces

Advanced Guard under Lieutenant-Colonel Galvan.  Armand's Legion was commanded by another foreign volunteer, Colonel Charles Armand Tuffin, Marquis de la Rouerie.
Galvan's Battalion of Light Infantry
Virginia Rifle Companies (Smith's and Willis's)
Armand's Legion
1st Continental Light Dragoons

Wayne's Brigade under General Anthony Wayne.  Wayne's Pennsylvanians arrived with Lafayette to bolster his fledgling army as it faced off against Cornwallis.
1st Pennsylvania Battalion
2nd Pennsylvania Battalion
3rd Pennsylvania Battalion
Continental Artillery
(Pennsylvania Battalions composed of detachments of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th Pennsylvania Regiments)

Massachusetts Light Infantry.  Figures by BMC, painted by the author

Reserve under Lieutenant-Colonel Gimat.  Gimat's force had originally accompanied Lafayette to Virginia to confront Benedict Arnold.
Gimat's Light Battalion (1 Rhode Island, 2 Massachusetts and 5 Connecticut companies)
Vose's Light Battalion (8 Massachusetts companies)
Barber's Light Battalion (5 New Jersey and 3 New Hampshire companies)

Rear Guard under Baron von Steuben.  Von Steuben was sent to Virginia to train the militia, just as he had trained the Continental Army at Valley Forge.
Virginia Continental Battalion
Stevens' Virginia Militia Brigade
Larson's Virginia Militia Brigade
Campbell's Virginia Rifle Brigade

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