
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

2nd Pennsylvania Regiment by Armies in Plastic

The 2nd Pennsylvania Regiment had an excellent reputation during the American Revolution.  They fought gallantly at Brandywine (1777), Paoli (1777), Germantown (1777), and Monmouth (1778).  The 2nd was a unit of trusted veterans and George Washington knew it.

When Major John Andre was captured and Benedict Arnold fled to the British, George Washington believed that West Point (where Arnold had formerly commanded) might be in danger.  He needed reinforcements to halt the British if they attempted to capture it.  He called on the Pennsylvania regiments, who marched 16 miles in 4 hours (from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m.) to reach West Point.  "When Washington got word of Wayne's forced march and timely arrival, he quite rightly called the feat 'fabulous.'" (1)

In 1781, the Pennsylvania Line mutinied because of a lack of pay, but the 2nd Pennsylvania did not initially join them "until the other troops threatened them at bayonet point and with artillery." (2)  The 2nd was sent to join Lafayette and his hard-pressed Continentals in Virginia.  There they took part in the Battle of Green Spring and ultimately, the Battle of Yorktown.

The 2nd Pennsylvania wore blue coats with red cuffs and lapels and white waistcoats.  Colonel Walter Stewart was the colonel of the 2nd Pennsylvania and he was an officer who cared for his men. "I find the little necessaries for my regiment difficult to be procured and at the most exorbitant prices, but I am determined to get them and have them I will if possible,"--Stewart wrote. (3)

Figures are by Armies in Plastic "American Revolution: French Infantry."  I chose French infantry as the base for these soldiers because they were cast in white plastic.  Most men carry "Brown Bess" muskets, but one man has a French musket (distinguishable by the barrel bands).  These soldiers are painted with Testors paints.  Click on each picture to expand it.

(1) pg. 65, Victory at Yorktown by Richard M. Ketchum

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