
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

2015: My Top 5 Blog Posts

2015 has been a good year for Defending the Legacy.  34 blog posts have been written this year (well, this makes post #35).  They have covered a wide variety of subjects including but not limited to the American Revolution, the East India Company, Books, and Short Stories.  The Christian movie Beyond the Mask was released this year, and because I had followed it for many years, many blog posts were naturally written about it (see them at

Here are my top 5 blog posts of 2015.  They were chosen for a variety of reasons, including most-viewed and best-researched.

#5: "Lord Clive Receiving From the Nawab of the Carnatic a Grant of Money For Disabled Soldiers and Officers"  This one I chose because of its unusual subject matter.  British East India Company uniforms of the Seven Years War are not often focused on, but the 18th Century painter Edward Penny gave us many details  of the uniforms in the painting that is analyzed in this post.

#4: "Providence and a Book"  This is one of my more personal blog posts as I trace my journey to acquire a copy of Augustine's Confessions.

#3: "Analyzing Benjamin West's Painting 'Sir William Johnson Saving a French Officer'"  This post I consider one of my best-researched and most interesting of 2015.  It is also, according to Blogger's count, my #3 most viewed post that was published in 2015.

#2: "Beyond the Mask--Charles Kemp's India Jacket"  Without question, this was my most-viewed post of 2015 according to Blogger's statistics.  In it, I explore one costume from the movie Beyond the Mask that may seem unusual; however it is solidly based in historical fact.

#1: "With Truth and Grace"
I am very pleased with how this short story turned out, especially considering that I had been on a long hiatus from writing fiction.  But this is more than just a story; it is based on a real journey that I went through.  I wrote this in an effort to distill the lessons that I learned and share them with others.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all who read and comment on my blog.  Blogging can be a very solitary activity, and I love hearing your thoughts and reactions to what you have read.  I hope that you all had a good year in 2015!


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