
Monday, March 21, 2016

An Announcement

Hi everyone!  I have been accepted as a speaker for INCH's annual homeschool conference!  INCH stands for Information Network of Christian Homes.  Their conference runs from May 19-21 this year.  My topic is "A Providential View of the Battle of Yorktown."

"The 1781 Battle of Yorktown ultimately decided American independence from Great Britain.  In this lecture, homeschool graduate and history lover Jordan Jachim will show how God was working to bring all the pieces together at a little-known port named Yorktown.  See how the plans of Benedict Arnold, Lord Charles Cornwallis, General Rochambeau and George Washington worked to bring about this battle.  Discover heroes in the American, British, and French armies.  And learn how God directed even the wind and tides to bring about His purpose." (description from

If you will be at INCH, I would love to see you!

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